NOLA Easter!

Hey everyone!

So Easter was this past Sunday!  I have never celebrated Easter before (I think it has something to do with the 'Muslim thing' :P) so not only did I celebrate my first Easter in NOLA, but I celebrated my first Easter! (Does that make sense?)

We decided to do a potluck!  We each cooked a dish (Morgan cooked two!)

Morgan's dish!

My potatoes.  Didn't come out quite like how I wanted. :(  

Takisha's pasta salad (yumm)

Morgan's shrimp!

RED VELVET CAKE (it was good!)

Molly's adorable socks!


Happy Easter NOLA!

Cutting the cake! (Me being super brown by taking a picture of it)

What a cutie!  She looks so Easter-y too


So good, I don't think I tried red velvet before and now I'm a huge fan

Oh dear!  What is going on??

Oh you know... Molly doing Morgan's eyebrows hahahaha

These streets were EMPTY

Nothing like Easter to empty out NOLA

UK :) Reminded me of my buds in Kentucky!

Hello Easter dessert

Morgan being cute in her eating beignets

CATS! So many cats!

Try to spot them all, there were like 5.  I was awwhing until Molly pointed out that the front one had fleas and I "flee-d" away! (hee puns)

It was a very good Easter!  Granted, I have nothing to compare it to but I enjoyed it :)  Hope you all had a great Easter!



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