Spring Break! Plantation Style!

This is about.. a month late? :)  Whoops!  Sometimes I get sick of blogging, it happens!  We all need breaks from time to time on things we like.  Right?  I think so!

On the last day of Spring Break, we saw the most beautiful plantations ever!  Breath taking!  I only read about plantations in the books and imagined them to be large and grand and whatnot, but nothing like this!  I will now read about plantations in a whole new light because... I can't even imagine how these were viewed back in the day because they are stunning now!

This stunning plantation is rumored to be where Gone With the Wind was filmed.  It is BEYOND gorgeous!!!!

The trees leading up to the house.. how romantic!  To just walk up and down that path every morning would be beyond.. amazing.

Could not get enough!

I can just imagine getting all dressed fancy and taking strolls, ah!!

Then we visited this graveyard that was oddly one of the most peaceful places I've ever been to.

I always feel surprised by the ages on the gravestone.  It's a great reminder that this life is temporary and it can end at any moment.  It's so strange.

This was oddly opened... no worries, no bodies in there!

Very peaceful.

These trees are so gorgeous!!

Nottoway Plantation!


Me and Molly!  Got some good complementary colours going!

Chillin on the porch, no bigs!

Eating cornbread, sitting in a rocking chair and enjoying the view. Aahhh, plantation life.

:) !


The front of the home... stunning!

You can't see in the picture, but there's the river right there!

FAVORITE room of the whole plantation!  The white room, which served as the ballroom.  SO beyond gorgeous!

Master bedroom


I forget what exactly this was, but it was some sort of seafood pasta and it was SO good!


  1. Bittersweet thinking about how that plantation was maintained and what place you'd have if it were still in its' glory #debbiedowner

    Super pretty though - it does look vaguely familiar from GWTW! Helps place history in more context looking at how gorgeous the grounds were, etc.



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