1 Week.

How crazy is it that in a blink of an eye this journey in New Orleans is over?

How has it already been 3 months?!  It feels like nothing, it feels that it was just yesterday that I came here on that cold rainy day, Mardi Gras, parades, etc!

I'm excited to go home, definitely excited to see my parents again (who are coming down this Friday!!) and road trip back home (I've missed being in a car) and going to things that are maybe more familiar (food, friends, language).  But at the same time, everything will be different.

"Why do you go away?  So that you can come back.  So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours.  And the people there see you differently too.  Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving"

-Terry Pratchett (#28. About adventures/1.15.13)

Soon before I came here, I started a book of quotes (I have mentioned this before) to give me a lift on the days I need it.  Sometimes, you need that time away, to get away and really figure out what you want.  Giving yourself time, getting to know yourself, letting yourself heal, acknowledging the fact that you need to heal, and that you want to become a better person is not selfish, it's great!

I'm nowhere near being a "good person", I just want to strive each day to be happier with myself.  I don't think I could ever lecture anyone, I don't want to!  Cause the minute that becomes my focus, I lose the real purpose: me.  (Ladies and gents, this blog is going to be REALLY cheese so either exit out or grab your nacho chips and settle in!)

The quotes have really helped and I feel more prepared, stronger, to continue embarking on a journey, a life long journey, on focusing making myself a better person.  I think, I hope, I've learned a lot here and I just need to put it into practice!  And I am trying, I'm going to try, and I might falter sometimes, but I'll just try again.

New Orleans is a great place.  It's a home away from home, this place is incredibly welcoming, I've never met such nice people before!  I've met people who I have so much respect for and I can tell they have so much heart and all they ask for is for you to give it back.  It's a giving community and I wish the attitude here was more universal (I'm sure it is actually).  It's just warm, loving, relaxing, food loving (healthy food relationships, honestly, it might be comfort food, but their love of food is not unhealthy), and open.  You feel safe here. All the hype of a drinking/party area, but not once (Okay.. maybe once.  We were chased.) did I ever feel like I was in danger/disrespected.

This was the perfect place to come and just be.  Meditate.  Hide away :)

"Living well is the best revenge"

(#41. About moving on/1.28.13)

If you treat yourself well, if you make yourself happy, then honestly who cares about what other people say/do?  Be focused on yourself, it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks :) (Unless you're running for President.. then you  might wanna work on that).

"I don't want anyone who doesn't want me"

-Oprah Winfrey
(#54: Moving on/2.11.13)

Don't settle!  If you love yourself, you will attract the right people to you :)  Don't worry so much about people who don't care for you, you don't want/need that lack of support!  

"Never let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life"

(#62.  Difficult times/2.18.13)

Whatever it is, it will pass and you will get through it!

"Talk about your blessings more than you talk about your problems"

(#65. Happiness/2.21.13)

Yes yes yes!  I am entirely guilty of this!!  We often don't appreciate what we do have enough!  I'm trying and working on being a more positive person!

"Don't settle for a relationship that won't let you be yourself"

(#94. About love/3.22.13)

This is so true!  If you need to lie/change yourself to please a friend/significant other/relative, don't do it.  Don't settle.  This doesn't mean cut off relations (don't do that!), but just take a step away.  Say "I respect your views, however, I can't agree and I hope that is okay".  It's okay to not settle, you're a wonderful person and there are plenty of people who will love you for the way you are. :)

"People are often unreasonable and self centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you.  Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.  Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.  Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway"

-Mother Teresa
(#103. About faith/3.31.13)

I LOVE this quote!  This is probably my favorite quote of everything I've collected.  Just be happy, do good, regardless of what anyone else may say of you, may accuse you.  Even if none of your effort is appreciated, so what!  Have the peace that you did it with good intentions.  It was never between them 
anyway :)

I'm excited to focus on what really matters, I'm excited to see where that takes me.  I hope it makes my life more positives and it spreads throughout my family and friends.  I am definitely not saying to be selfish in the wrong way!  Be selfish in the sense that don't compromise, but also don't be disrespectful.  Never jeopardize yourself and your values, but don't be stubborn.  Don't hurt people, I don't see how that could ever positive.

    I will miss New Orleans and I can't believe it'll all be over soon!  But I am so glad I came here and I will leave in high spirits :)  One last hurrah!  This isn't over yet! 



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