New Theme and Sick Days

Aahhh, this theme is like a breath of fresh air.  As much as I liked the journal theme, I was very much sick of it.  Especially because it was my new look for Schizopanda for so long and I didn't want it to represent my Schizopanda-ness (haha what a weird name I have made up) in NOLA.  Cause obvi, I moved and transformed into a different person within two weeks... nahhh  :P Who'd want that?!

Besides being warm, New Orleans is something else I'm not use to.. big.  Just so much to explore, endless things to see, I am soo not use to that.  People ask me what to do in East Lansing and I'm like... eat.  Not even that, we got one good pie place and they opened another one in Ann Arbor.  All we did in East Lansing was eat, hang out, bum around, and maybe venture outside sometimes.  Sometimes!  And that was probably just to get more food!  Although I do miss those lazy moments quite a bit right now, New Orleans is just.. you could spend the whoooole day outside!  I have done quite the opposite, but that's cause I've been sick.  Now that I'm feeling better, I'm getting the bit of 'adventuring' bug in me!  

This week's mission?  Get me some henna mehendi!  I wanna be cultured again.  I'm seriously afraid that I'm going to forget my Bangla... I should like watch some Bangla natok to make sure it stays in tact.. and learn some really dramatic ways to say things. (Nishat, tumi akhon khaba? "NA!" ..... that's all I got).  

Anyhoo, here are some snips of last week!  I was way too sick to blog anything, you just would have gotten super depressing me. (We all don't want sad panda)

Visited Tulane Campus!  But I'm 99.9% this is actually a Loyola building, but it was pretty so I snapped a picture.

Tree full of beads!  I like it.  I wonder if it's like this year round.

Waterfall curtain thingy! How cool!

Michigan or Louisiana, I need me some fro-yo!  This place has better flavors and sweeter fruit,  yum!

When I get sick, I get way too lazy to cook real meals.  This so I microwaves this meal... it looks nothing like what it's suppose to, but I guess it tasted alright... being nauseous tends to ruin your appetite for everything.

The box looks 1000x more appetizing!  Advertising! It lies D:

And that was last week!  Later folks!


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