Ramblings: NOLA Edition #3

A very good point was brought up to me today.

Losing (not physically, but "breaking up"-wise) a friend before the age of 24 is not as tragic as it seems at the time.  Once you reach the ripe age of 60 (hopefully all of us), you will spend more time without that friend than with.  Heck, even ten years from now, at the age of 34, you won't even care.

Young adulthood friends are kinda the same as childhood friends.  You have good memories, you miss those memories, but sometimes you just can't get over the time Lucy stuck gum in your hair, you get mad, and you move on.  

And then there's a peace.  

A silent moment that you don't even realize when you forgive that moment and you just move on.

It's a nice thought to comfort our tender young achey hearts.


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