Food Frenzy #2

You think New Orleans, you're going to think of food.  That's all people talked about with me before I came here, the food!!  So I was pretty excited, I'm not like a foodie, but I would like to think I appreciate all things yummy.  However as I've said before... I don't think I got the stomach for NOLA fatty foods.  Regardless, cooking new recipes and eating fresher things are awesomer than anything I've had in Michigan!  

These are my latest food adventures! :)

Made the yummiest chocolate shop discovery on Magazine St.  Homemade fresh chocolate treats that were less than $1 for each one!  I had already eaten some :3 but pictured here are a chocolate covered brownie, chocolate covered oreo and a pecan turtle cookie YUM!

Visit here!

We went to this restaurant called Napoleon's Hat.  I've been here before and it was really good, so we decided to go as a group again!

Pretty outdoor atmosphere

Seafood gumbo!  It was SO yummy!!  I ate it up real fast.

Any sort of stew is a big winner in my book!

Homemade garlic bread to complement...

My alfredo shrimp pasta!  omnom that was delicious!

Today started the first day of field trips of Spring break!  We went a bayou area, it was.. well you'll have to read my other blog :)  But we stopped by this local cafe! 

Very interesting menu they had!  

Ohh Molly, coming to this place and getting a salad :P But the fries were delicious!

Fried pickles and [not pictured cause we ate them all] crawfish balls!

I'm actually not sure what this is, but I think it was a chicken wrap of sorts!

Seafood baked potato

Cordon bleu sandwhich 

My burger!  Shrimp burger with fried onion rings on top with a side of fries.

Can I just say that I felt so sick after eating this because it was just incredibly fattening?  I ate half for lunch and ate the other half for dinner and I am beyond stuffed!  I also worked out today and I felt so sluggish and gross because this is just not good health fuel.  I think I'm going to have to pass on anything really fattening cause it should taste good, but for me.. it just doesn't!  So I'll try to try new things, but maybe it'll stick to less oil and buttered things.  Just for the sake of my workouts and health... I'm sure there's delicious southern things to try that won't kill my arteries!

Do you see that tear in this plastic water bottle?  $10 for a water bottle that eventually ripped at the neck.. so lame!  Had to buy a new one since my family refused to send me mine!  

That's the food update for now ! :) Toodles


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