No Place Like Home

Spring Break just ended and it's back to the busy work week tomorrow.  Even though I went on many adventures this past week (which will be posted soon), something just felt off with this whole week.  

There has been almost no breaks (that I'm aware of, unless my parents went on vacation somewhere) where I haven't been with my family.  Even if I'm not at home bumming and watching Bollywood movies all day, I'm at least traveling somewhere with my family.  This year, Namira and my mom went to visit Nazifa in Oregon. Yeah, all the stuff I saw was super cool and I do like it in New Orleans.. but dang, 2 months without seeing my family, especially my parents, is a long time!  With no options of even visits because of the distance, I've been kinda sad.  

I'm having a great time here, but there's just so much I miss about home.  I miss listening to my mom talking loudly to some relative or friend on the phone, I crazily miss her cooking.  I miss my dad's cheesy jokes that he knows is cheesy but he says it anyways cause he knows we'll laugh.  I miss my sisters and joking with them, having conversations about the most randomest things and always plotting which junk food we should get/craving we want to fulfill.  I miss hearing the NTV channel in the background when I'm eating breakfast.  I miss chai, mehndi, mishti.  

Gosh, you wonder how I would survive away from home for more than 3 months?

I think it's okay to be homesick like this.  Our parents will drive us crazy about some detail or another, but they're still your parents.  Living near home, or wanting to live near home, or be with your parents a lot shouldn't be frowned upon.  Being near family.. I can only hope that when I get settled down, I'll be near my family to visit often.  

I'm a cheeseball I know.


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