Spring Break! : Bayou Style


For Michigan State, it's spring break!  For those back home, it means one lovely week off from classes.  For me, it means one week off of work and field trips!  

Today was the first day!  We went to the Jean Lafitte park, bayou area, where there are gators!  Unfortunately, there was construction being done on the paths so we didn't get to see gators... i was okay with that :)  Jean Lafitte was apparently a pirate and it's rumored that he hid his treasure somewhere in the park... hmmm, I like stories like that :) It adds a certain charm to the place :) (The internet is being super annoying right now!!) 

Awwh! Holding hands

Kids are silly :)

Me and Molly would survive in a swamp!

Let the prettiness ensues :)


This is how you walk around this place, the boardwalk!  Kind of makes you think what would happen if you fell off.

Pretty white flowers :)

Click on the picture to get the full picture! So gorgeous!!

Interesting tree!

:) Click for full detail

:( No gator sightings cause of this! Oh well!

Random hole in a tree


Lizard/snake? Very weird!

That was today! :D

Also went to Barnes and Noble and FINALLY picked up The Hobbit and an interesting book.  Children of Hurin is unfinished work by J.R.R. Tolkien that was put together by his son!  I'm excited to read it!


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